
Siris Tree Properties Health Benefits and Medicinal Use


Siris tree is found upto 8000 feet height everywhere in India. It is seen both in wild fields and also in forming. Many kinds of Siris species like red, white and black are available.  Some species are very short and some very tall. This is a deciduous and shady tree.

Names of Siris Tree

Family name Mimosaceae Latin Albizzia lebbek Benth English Siris tree Sanskrit Sirish, BhariDal, Mridu Pushpa, Shuka priya Hindi Siris, siras Gujarati Kaliyo, Sassa, SarasDo Marati Siras Punjabi Sarieh, Shiri, Siras Telugu Dirisenamu Arabi Sultanul-Ashjar Farasi Darakhtejakriya

Chemical composition: 

Siris  bark contains Soponin and tannin and resinous substances.

Physical characteristics of Siris Tree

A Medium-sized unarmed tree, widely extended  branches on all sides, outer trunk appears in  brown granular rupture,  and at an external level, branches are outermost part is splits and separates in long segments.  Inner bark is red coloured, hard and rough and the center is white-coloured. Like tamarind  Leaves, Siris leaves are double-sided, abruptly bipinnate, however these are  larger ones. Non-stalked flowers, flowers are mimosa-like, in showy,  rounded clusters near stem tips, cream , yellowish-white, fragrant and funnel shaped heads, tender,  pods are flat , 4-12 inches long,  thin, have  6-12 seeds. Flowers in rainy season and  fruit appears in Autumn period of time and these remain attached to the tree till the end.

Siris Tree Benefits -


fainting fit Take equal quantity of Siris seeds and black pepper, and grind this with goat’s urine and apply on eyes as liner to cure delirium. Insanity Take equal amounts of siris seeds, sultanas, asafetida, garlic, dry ginger, orris root, and Koot, and mix everything in goat’s urine to make a paste. Apply as a eye liner to cure madness. Take seeds of Siris and Karanj and grind them into a paste. Apply to get relief from madness, amnesia and eye disease.

Siris Tree uses Eye disorder 

Apply the juice of the leaves to get relief from eye pain. Intake of decoction of its leaves during night-blind-ness and application of the juice as eye liner will provide relief. Soak a cloth in the juice of its leaves and dry it. Soak and dry it three times. Then burn this cloth like a lamp with jasmine oil and prepare eye liner. This liner will increase the power of eyes.

Siris Tree benefits Ear ache 

Heat the juice of Siris leaves and Mango leaves till lukewarm and apply as ear drops to get relief from ear ache. Teeth ailments Make a decoction of Siris juice and massaging it over the teeth and gums will provide relief in painful gums and make teeth strong. Grind the kernel of Siris seeds and black pepper and massage to get relief from toothache.


1. Grind 6gm Siris seeds and take a little bit each morning to get relief from inflammation of goiter. Grinding the seeds and applying it as a paste over affected area will also provide relief in goitre.
2. In one part of Siris seed powder, add two parts of honey and place it in a ‘Cori’ vessal and close it properly. Let it remain for two weeks in the sun. After two
weeks, take it out and use up to 10gm each day in the morning and evening.

Siris Tree benefits Cough 

Fry yellow siris leaves in ghee and take three times a day to get relief from cough.

Siris Tree benefits Diarrhoea 

Taking small quantities of the powder of its seeds three times a day will cure diarrhoea.

Siris Tree benefits Dropsy 

Inflammation of dropsy is cured by the intake of a decoction of siris bark.

Siris Tree benefits Syphilis 

Mix the ash of the leaves with ghee or oil and apply to cure syphilis.

Inflammation of the scrotum 

Grind the bark and apply as a paste to cure the inflammation.


Make a paste of 10gm of Siris leaves and strain. Add misri and drink this in the morning and evening. Take the oil of siris seeds and mix with milk and have it.


1. Grind 6gm siris seeds and 3gm Colliery roots and apply as a paste to cure piles. 2. Apply is oil as a poultice. 3. Take equal amounts of siris seeds, Koot, milk of Aak, Peepal and rock salt and grind them into a fine mixture. This paste will immediately provide relief. 4. Take equal amounts of Colliery roots, Danti roots, and Chit and grind them into a fine mixture. Apply this to get relief. 5. Take equal quantities of cock’s droppings, liquorice, turmeric,  Sacred fig (peepal)  and mix them with water and grind finely and apply it on piles. This method works well on piles.


1. Application of sisham oil in leprosy, etc. skin diseases prove valuable. 2. Apply the thin paste of white sisir as a lotion on wounds, rash and other skin ailments to get necessary benefits. 3. Tie the leaves as a poultice over wounds, sores and boils to get relief. 4. Its flowers are cooling. Apply their paste on boils and sores that appear during summer. 5. Siris seeds are useful in dissolving tumours and swellings on the body.


Washing regularly with the juice of siris bark and applying the ash of its leaves as an ointment cures abscess. 
Mix Siris bark, Rasanjan and Harad powder with vinegar or honey and apply to get benefit Apply the poultice of its leaves over any kind of sores for half an hour and then change in the case of sores under the skin, no matter however it is. This will bring the boils to the surface and then burst them. 



Grind the bark of siris, Nagar, Jatamashi, turmeric and lotus in equal quantities with cold water. Apply as a paste to cure the boils.


Make a powder of Siris bark, seeds and flowers and take this with cow’s urine for three times to remove all kinds of toxic substances from the body. Grind the siris roots, bark, leaves, flowers and seeds in cow’s urine and apply as paste to destroy all kinds of poison. 


Grind the seeds of siris with the milk of Thuhar and apply as a paste to remove the poison of frog. 


Grind its flowers and apply as a paste over the bite of poisonous insects. 


Take 1gm of the churna of siris bark with up to 3gm ghee and take this everyday in the morning and evening. This is an excellent strength giver and blood purifier.


Take 2gm of the churna of its seeds , twice that of hone and have this with warm milk every evening to increase virility in men.


Grind 15gm siris leaves and 2 gm black pepper and drink this for 40 days to cure leprosy. 

This was about Siris Tree Properties Health Benefits and Medicinal Use hope it is useful.

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