
Role of Yoga in Obesity, Control on weight gain, Ayurvedic Medicine for Obesity

Role of Yoga in Obesity, Control on weight gain, Ayurvedic Medicine for Obesity

Control on weight gain: 

Stop taking salty food and use less salt in cooking food. For making your food tasty, use onion, garlic, lemon and ginger.

Pickles, other oily food , etc should be avoided and eat more and more home made food. Use more and more roasted, oil free stuffs in food.

Avoid as much as possible to eat packaged food. Take food on right time. Eat less food than your hunger.

Give at least 15-30 minutes on exercise.

Also keep away from sweet stuffs as much as possible. Breakfast should never be missed. Include least quantity of protein rich diet in your meal.
Begin your day by taking four leaves of Tulsi with lukewarm water.
Serve food in small plates. Cook as much food as it is sufficient for you family. Avoid cooking extra
food so that you will not have to eat more food.

Never keep all the food on your dinning table because you may eat more food than your hunger.

You must walk for 30-40 minutes after meal.

Yoga is also very helpful:

Practising regular yoga will also reduce your weight. Proper diet and yoga together will be very effective in reducing weight. Pashchimottasan, Bhujangasan, Dhanurasan, etc are best to control the problem of obesity as they make the muscles strong. Obesity is the result of eating excess food which means eating more food than hunger which will give more calorie to your body.

Moreover, dwichakrikasana, Paad vritasana, ardha halasana, etc are also very effective. Kapalbhati Pranayam is also very effective in controlling obesity. One is advised to do it for 5-10 minutes a day. Moreover, Nadishodhan should also be done for better result. Its regular practise reduces obesity and gives you a good health. Surya Namaskar, Chakrasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Trikonasana, Ardhmatsyendrasana, Shalabhasana, etc are also useful in controlling obesity.

The kids who are not able to do yoga, should be taken for long walk and healthy and low calorie diet is also very effective to help them reduce weight.

Ayurveda Medicine For Obesity:

According to Patanjali Yogpeeth’s medical system, it is advised to use Sarva Kwath, Triphala Kwath, Medohar vatti, aloe vera juice to control obesity.

Also Read: How to reduce Obesity, Diet for Obesity in Ayurveda

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