
Necessary precautions and Practicing Yoga for Depression

Necessary precautions and  Practicing Yoga for Depression 

Necessary precautions For Depression: 

On knowing the initial symptoms of depression, both the patient and his family members need to pay special attention in this regard. This condition has to be taken seriously by everyone.
The patient should never be allowed to stay alone.

He should be kept busy in some constructive or interesting works.

He should be allowed to share his feelings with others as it will allow him to recover fast.

Habit of writing diary can also be very effective in this problem.

Social help, change in life style , exercise and positivity in life are some of the factors which can be helpful in a great way to recover from this problem.

By bringing changes in food habit, thoughts, etc, we can ensure prevention of this problem.
These days alternative or supplementary treatments are also emerging as a major option  which include yoga, acupressure, naturopathic,  Panchkarma, Sangeet Chikitsa, magnetic treatment, etc are very important. Yoga definitely brings a positive changes in our life.
It also changes our outlook, which makes us feel psychological bliss,  and we become mentally stronger. These yoga, Asanas and Pranayam don’t only ensure a good physical health for us but they also make us mentally very active.

Practising yoga for Depression: 


Surya Namaskar, Tadasana, Sarvangasana, Gomukhasana, bhujangasana, makarasana, ushtrasana, Shashakasana, Padmasana. Pranayam: Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Nadishodhan. Kriya: Kunjal, neti and laghu shankh prakshalan.
But it is also important to keep in mind that these have to be practised in the guidance of an expert. Moreover, one should avoid such Pranayams which give a cool feeling and the yoga which make us focused inward should also be avoided if you have depression.

One thing which should be kept in mind is that in daily life, there strike many troubles to us, we have to be ready for both success and failure in life but all these are temporary things.

In general life we have to pass through many tests whether it is the field of education or in dayto-day life. It might be related to social environment or our personal life.

In this situation, we should not lose heart. We should change our outlook and wait for conducive time to come and have the confidence that circumstances will definitely be favourable very soon.

Moreover, regular practice of yoga, Pranayam and meditation will help us to to succeed in life. Therefore, one must include them as part of life style.

These are methods which will help us to have a healthy and depression free life.

These was about Necessary precautions and  Practicing Yoga for Depression hope its helpful.

Also Read: Causes Management and Treatment of Depression

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