
Ayurvedic properties and effects of Giloy

Introduction to Giloy:

Amrita, Amritvalli means every green. Its leaves are soft and appear like betel leaves. Its fruts are in the shape of peanuts. The plants on which it takes support, it has a tendency to acquire its properties. Giloy wich clibs the neem plant is considered to be the best. In Charak’s Bayah Sthapan, Daahprashaman, Trishna Nigrahan, Stanya Shodhan, and also in Sushrut’s Guduchyadi, Ballipanchmool, we find its detailed description.

Ayurvedic properties and effects of Giloy:

It cures Tridosh. Being smooth, it can cure gastric, acrid nature can cure cough and pitta. Guduchi can 
cure leprosy, pain, trishnanigrahan, chhardinigrahan, deepan, improve digestion, it is also Pittasarak, Anuloman and kills stomach worms. It also maintains the balance of acid in the stomach. It gives strength to the heart, it is effective blood related problems, jaundice, etc. In the problems like cough, weakness, fever and diabetes, it is very effective. Modern medical experts are of the view that the herb can effectively deal with virus infection and worms. The bacteria which causes TB (Tuberculosis). 

Where ever the bacteria of this disease lies in the body in dormant state in the body, Giloy destroys it. The germs of e coli which give us serious illness are also destroyed by it. It contains fungocitic index in abundance. It means it can destroy disease carrying bacteria and virus as the blood’s particles do. It gives immediate result in the glucose tolerance and hyper glycemia. 
It increases the formation of insulin and its assimilation in the blood. Hence it controls blood sugar. It cures gastric when it is taken with ghee and cures constipation when taken with jiagry. When taken with Khand it cures pitta problem, when taken with honey cures cough, when taken with dry ginger, it will cure aamvaat. When it is taken with caster oil, it cures gastric. Its leaves are bitter, sweet and light, it gives strength to our body, good for health. Guduchi is pure, sweet, light 
and cures Tridosh, Pathya, Deepan, strengthens sperm, it is useful in jaundice, fever, chhardi, chronic fever, hepatitis B, cough, lack of appetite, piles, tuberculosis, Pradar, Somrog, etc. Extract of this plant there is found to be anti-fever power and it also works like insulin.

 Its powder and juice stimulates the functioning of the brain. It also shows actions of strong immune system. It destroys fever. It aqueous  extract shows the actions of Pratyurjata. When used on rats, it was found to be effective in curing swelling and pain. Its alcoholic extract strengthens bone marrow.

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