
Causes Management and Treatment of Depression

Depression is a common mental problem which is also called unipolar disorder. In this problem, only depressional problems are caused. No symptom of hysteria is observed in this problem. 
This problem also sticks elderly persons and minors as well. DSM-V (2013) which is a famous manual on classification of mental diseases published by American Psychiatric Association, in which all the mental problems including depression (barring hysteria) have been described in axis - I.

In adolescent and young age, many cases related to this problem are seen. Many a times, simple depression becomes very serious and the patient develops a tendency to attempt suicide. 15 percent cases of death among depressed persons are caused due to suicide and it happens to be the world’s fourth most serious problem. 

Though happiness and sorrow alternatively come in a person’s life. Sadness, disappointment and frustration often strike a person but situation changes in course of time 

Depression is a common mental problem which is also called unipolar disorder. In this problem, only depressional problems are caused. No symptom of hysteria is observed in this problem. 
This problem also sticks elderly persons and minors as well. DSM-V (2013) which is a famous manual on classification of mental diseases published by American Psychiatric Association, in which all the mental problems including depression (barring hysteria) have been described in axis - I.

which leads to change in the state of mind. Our routine works, life style and internal relations too change.

Main causes of depression 

Though depression has not any single cause behind it. It can be the result of hereditary, environmental, psychological and social reasons behind it. However, it has been found in research that hereditary reasons are responsible for this problem. If any member of a family has been a victim of depression then it is definite that other family members will come under its impact. Long time loneliness the problem of sadness deepens and it acquires the form of depression after some time. Many times some nero transmitter like serotonine, dopamine, acitilcoline, etc when they are in imbalance, the probability of depression increases.


Lack of social support is also sometimes responsible for depression.

Unemployment and economic problems also lead a person into to depression.

Excess of work pressure and unfulfilled expectations from life are also responsible for

Tension or stress caused due to any reason or strained relations especially in marital relations may cause depression.

Death or missing of one’s dears lead a person to depression and he loses self - confidence.

Management and medical treatment 

In the treatment of depression both the medicinal or psychological treatments are very effective. The patients who are suffering from medium to intense depression they need medicines so that their condition could be improved as soon as possible.
In medicines, mainly many types of anti - depression pills are given but it also has its negative impact.


Electric treatment is also effective, especially in case of severe depression. Moreover, psycho dynamic treatment, practical treatment, etc are also very useful.
It should always be taken into consideration that it is always better to prevent a mental or physical problem at its initial stage.
One should have a proper plan how to keep physically fit and also to keep our immune system stronger.

Also Read: Difference between depression and sadness symptoms of depression

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