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A dedicated website for health related information.

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A dedicated website for health related information.

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The Ultimate 15 Best Health Tips You Must Read

The Ultimate 15 Best Health Tips You Must Read

Healthy Tips We should follow one rule always in eating. We should accept food in accordance with our limits, interest, and season. This simple act keeps us fit and healthy. We should have such food which is beneficial to us according to appetite, season and interest.

1. Go to bed early and rise early. Rise before one and half an hour before the Sun rises.

2. Drink 2-3 glasses of water early in the morning. Mix lemon juice and one spoon honey in the
lukewarm water and drink in the morning. It is highly advantageous for health. Never take coffee or tea with an empty stomach.

3. If the teeth are clenched at the time of defecation, they would not.

4. Fill mouth with water and sprinkle cool water on eyes early in the morning. Clean palate using thumb and you would never get any ailment related to eye , ear, nose or throat.

5. Always take breath through nose only. God has given us mouth to eat. We should not take breath through it.

Best Health Tips

6. Use fruits and vegetables along with peal. In the case of pulses also you may do the same thing.

7. Keep fasting for one day without eating anything taking only water.

8. Never try to stop the quickness of faeces , urinals, sneezing. Or else they lead to further problems.

9. Use hard bed to sleep, Dunlop beds are harmful.

10. Sleeping hours are 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. Never sleep in day time.

11. Don’t sleep in North or West directions. It weakens the age.

12. Use clean drinking water and edible substances. Filthiness is the root cause of all kinds of diseases.

13. Using intoxicating drugs is highly injurious to health. This bad habit makes a man pauper also.

14. Be happy in every situation. Pleasure is the key to good health. Everyday laugh in joyous moods. Laughing is life.

15. Laziness, hunger and sleep… they never let grow. These are the unwanted guests. You keep them away for your good health.

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Siris Tree Properties Health Benefits and Medicinal Use


Siris tree is found upto 8000 feet height everywhere in India. It is seen both in wild fields and also in forming. Many kinds of Siris species like red, white and black are available.  Some species are very short and some very tall. This is a deciduous and shady tree.

Names of Siris Tree

Family name Mimosaceae Latin Albizzia lebbek Benth English Siris tree Sanskrit Sirish, BhariDal, Mridu Pushpa, Shuka priya Hindi Siris, siras Gujarati Kaliyo, Sassa, SarasDo Marati Siras Punjabi Sarieh, Shiri, Siras Telugu Dirisenamu Arabi Sultanul-Ashjar Farasi Darakhtejakriya

Chemical composition: 

Siris  bark contains Soponin and tannin and resinous substances.

Physical characteristics of Siris Tree

A Medium-sized unarmed tree, widely extended  branches on all sides, outer trunk appears in  brown granular rupture,  and at an external level, branches are outermost part is splits and separates in long segments.  Inner bark is red coloured, hard and rough and the center is white-coloured. Like tamarind  Leaves, Siris leaves are double-sided, abruptly bipinnate, however these are  larger ones. Non-stalked flowers, flowers are mimosa-like, in showy,  rounded clusters near stem tips, cream , yellowish-white, fragrant and funnel shaped heads, tender,  pods are flat , 4-12 inches long,  thin, have  6-12 seeds. Flowers in rainy season and  fruit appears in Autumn period of time and these remain attached to the tree till the end.

Siris Tree Benefits -


fainting fit Take equal quantity of Siris seeds and black pepper, and grind this with goat’s urine and apply on eyes as liner to cure delirium. Insanity Take equal amounts of siris seeds, sultanas, asafetida, garlic, dry ginger, orris root, and Koot, and mix everything in goat’s urine to make a paste. Apply as a eye liner to cure madness. Take seeds of Siris and Karanj and grind them into a paste. Apply to get relief from madness, amnesia and eye disease.

Siris Tree uses Eye disorder 

Apply the juice of the leaves to get relief from eye pain. Intake of decoction of its leaves during night-blind-ness and application of the juice as eye liner will provide relief. Soak a cloth in the juice of its leaves and dry it. Soak and dry it three times. Then burn this cloth like a lamp with jasmine oil and prepare eye liner. This liner will increase the power of eyes.

Siris Tree benefits Ear ache 

Heat the juice of Siris leaves and Mango leaves till lukewarm and apply as ear drops to get relief from ear ache. Teeth ailments Make a decoction of Siris juice and massaging it over the teeth and gums will provide relief in painful gums and make teeth strong. Grind the kernel of Siris seeds and black pepper and massage to get relief from toothache.


1. Grind 6gm Siris seeds and take a little bit each morning to get relief from inflammation of goiter. Grinding the seeds and applying it as a paste over affected area will also provide relief in goitre.
2. In one part of Siris seed powder, add two parts of honey and place it in a ‘Cori’ vessal and close it properly. Let it remain for two weeks in the sun. After two
weeks, take it out and use up to 10gm each day in the morning and evening.

Siris Tree benefits Cough 

Fry yellow siris leaves in ghee and take three times a day to get relief from cough.

Siris Tree benefits Diarrhoea 

Taking small quantities of the powder of its seeds three times a day will cure diarrhoea.

Siris Tree benefits Dropsy 

Inflammation of dropsy is cured by the intake of a decoction of siris bark.

Siris Tree benefits Syphilis 

Mix the ash of the leaves with ghee or oil and apply to cure syphilis.

Inflammation of the scrotum 

Grind the bark and apply as a paste to cure the inflammation.


Make a paste of 10gm of Siris leaves and strain. Add misri and drink this in the morning and evening. Take the oil of siris seeds and mix with milk and have it.


1. Grind 6gm siris seeds and 3gm Colliery roots and apply as a paste to cure piles. 2. Apply is oil as a poultice. 3. Take equal amounts of siris seeds, Koot, milk of Aak, Peepal and rock salt and grind them into a fine mixture. This paste will immediately provide relief. 4. Take equal amounts of Colliery roots, Danti roots, and Chit and grind them into a fine mixture. Apply this to get relief. 5. Take equal quantities of cock’s droppings, liquorice, turmeric,  Sacred fig (peepal)  and mix them with water and grind finely and apply it on piles. This method works well on piles.


1. Application of sisham oil in leprosy, etc. skin diseases prove valuable. 2. Apply the thin paste of white sisir as a lotion on wounds, rash and other skin ailments to get necessary benefits. 3. Tie the leaves as a poultice over wounds, sores and boils to get relief. 4. Its flowers are cooling. Apply their paste on boils and sores that appear during summer. 5. Siris seeds are useful in dissolving tumours and swellings on the body.


Washing regularly with the juice of siris bark and applying the ash of its leaves as an ointment cures abscess. 
Mix Siris bark, Rasanjan and Harad powder with vinegar or honey and apply to get benefit Apply the poultice of its leaves over any kind of sores for half an hour and then change in the case of sores under the skin, no matter however it is. This will bring the boils to the surface and then burst them. 



Grind the bark of siris, Nagar, Jatamashi, turmeric and lotus in equal quantities with cold water. Apply as a paste to cure the boils.


Make a powder of Siris bark, seeds and flowers and take this with cow’s urine for three times to remove all kinds of toxic substances from the body. Grind the siris roots, bark, leaves, flowers and seeds in cow’s urine and apply as paste to destroy all kinds of poison. 


Grind the seeds of siris with the milk of Thuhar and apply as a paste to remove the poison of frog. 


Grind its flowers and apply as a paste over the bite of poisonous insects. 


Take 1gm of the churna of siris bark with up to 3gm ghee and take this everyday in the morning and evening. This is an excellent strength giver and blood purifier.


Take 2gm of the churna of its seeds , twice that of hone and have this with warm milk every evening to increase virility in men.


Grind 15gm siris leaves and 2 gm black pepper and drink this for 40 days to cure leprosy. 

This was about Siris Tree Properties Health Benefits and Medicinal Use hope it is useful.

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Diet Chart For Obesity


Even small kids are found to be becoming victim of the problems like heart diseases, blood pressure, breathlessness, restlessness, anxiety, etc. In fact wrong food habit born obesity is responsible for it. If parents are not conscious then the problem can strike their children from very early age.  In today’s time when from food to medicines, everything is adulterated, then parents are required to be careful with regard to food habits of their kids.

If parents are not careful of their kids’ life style, it is definite that by the time they will turn adolescent they will be in the grip of obesity. According to a research, most of the children who are in the grip of obesity are also under threat of heart diseases. This problem becomes apparent when they turn adolescent.

Diet Chart For Obesity

Below is given the diet chart for obesity, it will very helpful. 

Early morning:

One cup milk, Upma (Suzi/fruits, papaya, apple/ Arogya porridge, vegetable salads) 

Afternoon : 

2-3 small cucumber, sprouts like gram, moong, green salads, boiled fibrous vegetables, chapati, rice and pulses. Evening: Soup (tomato, spinach, bottle gourd, carrot), corn flakes, fruit juices. 

Night : 

Green vegetables, pulses, chapati, dinner should be taken between 7-8 pm, when the children are unable to control their appetite, it is better to give them green sprouts, gram , moong, carrot, cucumber, juicy seasonal fruits, bottle gourd juice etc.

Also i have discussed ways to prevent obesity in one of my posts. You can read it by clicking on Ways to prevent obesity.

If you want to know more about obesity you can also read my post Necessary precautions and Practicing Yoga for Depression hope it will helpful for you.

Yoga also plays a vital role in the problem of obesity you can get know about it in this post Role of Yoga in Obesity, Control on weight gain, Ayurvedic Medicine for Obesity in this post you will know the ayurvedic medicine for obesity problem.

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Lust and anger are false notions

Lust and anger are  false notions

When one’s lust is fulfilled it later gets converted into greed. More and more becomes his chant and when it remains unfulfilled it causes anger in him. Lust has its two outcomes- those who don’t have true vision are plunged into the ocean of greed. Or some internal or external hurdle is created in his path then the height of anger results into the steps like anger, suicide, cruelty and foolishness. In this vast world many cases of these kinds are surfacing everyday. It has been said in Mahabharata na tapastap ityahurbrahmacharya tapottamam I Urdhvareta bhaved yastu sa devoted na tu manushah II Tap means material celibacy. Besides what else can be the other form of Tap.

Urdhvareta is no human but the Almighty himself. In lakhs of humans there would be hardly any human will will not sacrifice all his ideals, high vision, etc to get access to his dearest woman. It has been said in Angeils that if a person wants to win the world he will have to voluntarily be able control his spendthriftness. To win on your body attain celibacy and to win the demon follow the commands.
To this horrible form of lust besides anger, greed, arrogance, envy etc, in this universe which are so vehement that they won’t spare anyone,  we tried to understand their nature.

But you will be surprised to know that Swami ji has a different point of view altogether in this connection. It quite natural although. On one  incident everyone else has different point of views. While going towards infinitive all other travellers will have different positions so their observations with regard to the same thing will be different. Someone is thousands of km away from the spot of incident while some other is standing closer to it while some other has surpassed it and has moved so much far that the spot of the incident is invisible for him. Someone else is on the top of the hill while some other is yet to reach to the base. How can these different circumstances be equated? A woman is the same but for her husband she is a source of joy, for others she is painful for the third person who can’t  get her, she is a matter of illusion while the truly enlightened persons will be unfazed. For the enlightened man she is like a mother as our Maharaj shri does. She is the mother of the soul of the Almighty who is born as a simple human. 

For others she is a heap of atoms of which bones and flesh are made of. Therefore in the views of Swami ji Maharaj ji is not of the view that these vehement forces are impeding our movement but he believes that they do not exist. We can imagine about a power when it has it’s existence. It is the philosophy of Maharaj ji that the things which have been solved have no independent existence. This is the shape of entire prohibited groups. For example - there’s no existence of darkness as it is destroyed with advent of light. On the other hand light can also not be removed only due some blockages in its ways.

Darkness is apparent but the existence of light continues even in that state. While all the dirt is removed. This way cleanliness is itself a proven fact while the dirt is removed. This way cleanliness is a proven fact , of course it gets covered due to dirt sometimes. If a person is indulged in material pleasure, he is required slowly to be lifted from low nature to high nature, from from indulgence to the state of sacrifice, from ignorance to the state of enlightenment, from falsehood to the state of truth. From death to the state of nectar. He will consciously have to arouse a will power that he does not require to have the poison which destroys him slowly. How so much this will power will be stronger, it will be easier to reject indulgence, lust and falsehood. For example - The light is required to remove the darkness, similarly to get rid of lust and anger we require to focus on attaining enlightenment. There is no other way than this. Only by listening about celibacy one can not  attain it.

Lust and anger are  false notions

It can be attained only when you feel the pain of indulgence. In the old terminology it has been called practice or vairag which means relinquishing all sorts of indulgence and lust by considering them painful. It is born after experiencing the pains. When a person has the realisation that it is a black snake he simply moves away from there. Similarly when you have the realisation of the pain from indulgence you will not have to struggle to get away from it. Maharaj ji says that it is required to get away from this state of unconsciousness. You will have to make arrangement to come out of this state and come out in the state of complete consciousness.

You won’t have to slip into that state of unconsciousness and you will need to keep yourself away from the demon. In the initial stage struggle can help you a bit but it will happen only when you will be out of the state of unconsciousness. The one who is not ready to come out of the state of indulgence or unconsciousness, in that stage you cannot imagine about struggle. Struggle means showing strong will power. But when a person enjoys the indulgence or unconsciousness,  how will he generate the strong will power to fight it. Because a person loses his enthusiasm in the state of indulgence hence will power, enthusiasm and values for life are inter-related.

At the end the original matter of fact is that what so ever be the way out of it - the voice of any great man’s teaching or any scripture or the strong desire to have access to any great divine element etc should be applied to break the state of unconsciousness or indulgence. Slowly the person will get the divine wall or the support for which there is no lust or anger. They are taking the benefit of our illusion. Only this will have to be removed. When a person will become aloof toward such things, they will vanish as the darkness does after the advent of light. So why should we not turn towards yoga, Pranayam and Ayurveda to get rid of such illusions?

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Necessary precautions and Practicing Yoga for Depression

Necessary precautions and  Practicing Yoga for Depression 

Necessary precautions For Depression: 

On knowing the initial symptoms of depression, both the patient and his family members need to pay special attention in this regard. This condition has to be taken seriously by everyone.
The patient should never be allowed to stay alone.

He should be kept busy in some constructive or interesting works.

He should be allowed to share his feelings with others as it will allow him to recover fast.

Habit of writing diary can also be very effective in this problem.

Social help, change in life style , exercise and positivity in life are some of the factors which can be helpful in a great way to recover from this problem.

By bringing changes in food habit, thoughts, etc, we can ensure prevention of this problem.
These days alternative or supplementary treatments are also emerging as a major option  which include yoga, acupressure, naturopathic,  Panchkarma, Sangeet Chikitsa, magnetic treatment, etc are very important. Yoga definitely brings a positive changes in our life.
It also changes our outlook, which makes us feel psychological bliss,  and we become mentally stronger. These yoga, Asanas and Pranayam don’t only ensure a good physical health for us but they also make us mentally very active.

Practising yoga for Depression: 


Surya Namaskar, Tadasana, Sarvangasana, Gomukhasana, bhujangasana, makarasana, ushtrasana, Shashakasana, Padmasana. Pranayam: Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Nadishodhan. Kriya: Kunjal, neti and laghu shankh prakshalan.
But it is also important to keep in mind that these have to be practised in the guidance of an expert. Moreover, one should avoid such Pranayams which give a cool feeling and the yoga which make us focused inward should also be avoided if you have depression.

One thing which should be kept in mind is that in daily life, there strike many troubles to us, we have to be ready for both success and failure in life but all these are temporary things.

In general life we have to pass through many tests whether it is the field of education or in dayto-day life. It might be related to social environment or our personal life.

In this situation, we should not lose heart. We should change our outlook and wait for conducive time to come and have the confidence that circumstances will definitely be favourable very soon.

Moreover, regular practice of yoga, Pranayam and meditation will help us to to succeed in life. Therefore, one must include them as part of life style.

These are methods which will help us to have a healthy and depression free life.

These was about Necessary precautions and  Practicing Yoga for Depression hope its helpful.

Also Read: Causes Management and Treatment of Depression

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Causes Management and Treatment of Depression

Depression is a common mental problem which is also called unipolar disorder. In this problem, only depressional problems are caused. No symptom of hysteria is observed in this problem. 
This problem also sticks elderly persons and minors as well. DSM-V (2013) which is a famous manual on classification of mental diseases published by American Psychiatric Association, in which all the mental problems including depression (barring hysteria) have been described in axis - I.

In adolescent and young age, many cases related to this problem are seen. Many a times, simple depression becomes very serious and the patient develops a tendency to attempt suicide. 15 percent cases of death among depressed persons are caused due to suicide and it happens to be the world’s fourth most serious problem. 

Though happiness and sorrow alternatively come in a person’s life. Sadness, disappointment and frustration often strike a person but situation changes in course of time 

Depression is a common mental problem which is also called unipolar disorder. In this problem, only depressional problems are caused. No symptom of hysteria is observed in this problem. 
This problem also sticks elderly persons and minors as well. DSM-V (2013) which is a famous manual on classification of mental diseases published by American Psychiatric Association, in which all the mental problems including depression (barring hysteria) have been described in axis - I.

which leads to change in the state of mind. Our routine works, life style and internal relations too change.

Main causes of depression 

Though depression has not any single cause behind it. It can be the result of hereditary, environmental, psychological and social reasons behind it. However, it has been found in research that hereditary reasons are responsible for this problem. If any member of a family has been a victim of depression then it is definite that other family members will come under its impact. Long time loneliness the problem of sadness deepens and it acquires the form of depression after some time. Many times some nero transmitter like serotonine, dopamine, acitilcoline, etc when they are in imbalance, the probability of depression increases.


Lack of social support is also sometimes responsible for depression.

Unemployment and economic problems also lead a person into to depression.

Excess of work pressure and unfulfilled expectations from life are also responsible for

Tension or stress caused due to any reason or strained relations especially in marital relations may cause depression.

Death or missing of one’s dears lead a person to depression and he loses self - confidence.

Management and medical treatment 

In the treatment of depression both the medicinal or psychological treatments are very effective. The patients who are suffering from medium to intense depression they need medicines so that their condition could be improved as soon as possible.
In medicines, mainly many types of anti - depression pills are given but it also has its negative impact.


Electric treatment is also effective, especially in case of severe depression. Moreover, psycho dynamic treatment, practical treatment, etc are also very useful.
It should always be taken into consideration that it is always better to prevent a mental or physical problem at its initial stage.
One should have a proper plan how to keep physically fit and also to keep our immune system stronger.

Also Read: Difference between depression and sadness symptoms of depression

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Difference between depression and sadness symptoms of depression

What is Depression:

Depression is a common mental problem which is also called unipolar disorder. In this problem, only depressional problems are caused. No symptom of hysteria is observed in this problem. This problem also sticks elderly persons and minors as well. DSM-V (2013) which is a famous manual on classification of mental diseases published by American Psychiatric Association, in which all the mental problems including depression (barring hysteria) have been described in axis - I.

In adolescent and young age, many cases related to this problem are seen. Many a times, simple depression becomes very serious and the patient develops a tendency to attempt suicide. 15 percent cases of death among depressed persons are caused due to suicide and it happens to be the world’s fourth most serious problem.
Though happiness and sorrow alternatively come in a person’s life. Sadness, disappointment and frustration often strike a person but situation changes in course of time
which leads to change in the state of mind. Our routine works, life style and internal relations too change.

Difference between depression and sadness: 

We should also understand the difference between depression and sadness. Sadness is a common phenomenon which comes in everyone’s life and a person normally comes out of this phase very soon and the life returns to track but state of sadness is long when a person is in depression. In this situation, how so good treatment the patient gets from others, the situation remains unchanged. He lacks interest in every thing. Everything appears to be depressing and murky, therefore, common sadness should not be considered as depression.

Depression is such a state of mind in which the patient feels sadness, disappointment, loneliness, decline in self-respect and he starts to stay alone, and becomes unsocial. He has symptoms like lack of appetite and sleep, which are common initial symptoms. Depression is often found to be accompanied by other deformities, sometimes, these symptoms are either caused or are result of depression. Deformities in thoughts, addiction of alcohol, etc can also cause depression. Many times, serious diseases like heart problems, cancer, AIDS etc also give birth to depression.

Some important symptoms  of depression: 

Low state of mind

Disturbance in sleep

Lack of concentration

Low energy level

Negativity of mind

Lack of enthusiasm

Inability to take right decisions

Troubled due to complexities of life

Inability to focus on any work

Irritable nature, short temper

Fatigue and lack of stamina

Lack of appetite

Feeling helpless

Feeling to kill self many times

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Role of Yoga in Obesity, Control on weight gain, Ayurvedic Medicine for Obesity

Role of Yoga in Obesity, Control on weight gain, Ayurvedic Medicine for Obesity

Control on weight gain: 

Stop taking salty food and use less salt in cooking food. For making your food tasty, use onion, garlic, lemon and ginger.

Pickles, other oily food , etc should be avoided and eat more and more home made food. Use more and more roasted, oil free stuffs in food.

Avoid as much as possible to eat packaged food. Take food on right time. Eat less food than your hunger.

Give at least 15-30 minutes on exercise.

Also keep away from sweet stuffs as much as possible. Breakfast should never be missed. Include least quantity of protein rich diet in your meal.
Begin your day by taking four leaves of Tulsi with lukewarm water.
Serve food in small plates. Cook as much food as it is sufficient for you family. Avoid cooking extra
food so that you will not have to eat more food.

Never keep all the food on your dinning table because you may eat more food than your hunger.

You must walk for 30-40 minutes after meal.

Yoga is also very helpful:

Practising regular yoga will also reduce your weight. Proper diet and yoga together will be very effective in reducing weight. Pashchimottasan, Bhujangasan, Dhanurasan, etc are best to control the problem of obesity as they make the muscles strong. Obesity is the result of eating excess food which means eating more food than hunger which will give more calorie to your body.

Moreover, dwichakrikasana, Paad vritasana, ardha halasana, etc are also very effective. Kapalbhati Pranayam is also very effective in controlling obesity. One is advised to do it for 5-10 minutes a day. Moreover, Nadishodhan should also be done for better result. Its regular practise reduces obesity and gives you a good health. Surya Namaskar, Chakrasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Trikonasana, Ardhmatsyendrasana, Shalabhasana, etc are also useful in controlling obesity.

The kids who are not able to do yoga, should be taken for long walk and healthy and low calorie diet is also very effective to help them reduce weight.

Ayurveda Medicine For Obesity:

According to Patanjali Yogpeeth’s medical system, it is advised to use Sarva Kwath, Triphala Kwath, Medohar vatti, aloe vera juice to control obesity.

Also Read: How to reduce Obesity, Diet for Obesity in Ayurveda

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How to reduce Obesity, Diet for Obesity in Ayurveda

How to reduce Obesity

Take balanced diet, reduce obesity: 

According to a study, a person victim of obesity cannot lose weight by doing exercise. It is better for them to take balanced diet. Exercise can help you to reduce weight but in obese children, only exercise will not suffice.
Obese children are lazy due to their heavy weight. Therefore it is important to give them healthy food and also bring changes in the food. Be careful that your child should not develop a habit for junk food.

Diet for Obesity

Dieting or abstaining meal is not required to reduce weight. Only healthy food in balanced quantity can help your children reduce weight. Dieting or abstaining food is easy but it also has bad
impact on health.

Cereals like wheat and rice have less nutrition, therefore, you can take fibrous vegetables in their place. Vegetables have less calories.

Don’t include variety of items in your meal as you will take more calories and more food due to presence of many items in your meal. Prepare a special diet chart or diet programme. Simple and less fatty food is good for your health.

The best way to reduce weight is to include whole grain food, fruits, vegetables, etc. Whole grain food is 98 per cent fat free and they should be taken with skimmed meal or curd. Reduce quantity of fat in your meal and add lemon juice in salad to make it tasty.

Boiled vegetables have amazing impact on your weight and it also improves your good health. According to respected Swami Ramdev ji, bottle gourd, Parwal, carrot, if taken in boiled form, they are best to reduce weight. Carrot juice if taken regularly, it will reduce your weight as well as will also not allow weakness to trouble you. He also says that bottle gourd juice, aloe vera juice, if taken regularly, it will also allow healthy growth of your children and their height will also grow well. They also protect you from diseases. Spinach juice is useful in protecting us from many diseases. Must include it in your and your children’s meal.

How to reduce Obesity, Diet for Obesity

Take care that your food must contain high nutrition and low calorie.

If you cannot do heavy exercise, then it better to do lighter ones. For example going up stair and down stair, dance, walking, moving on foot, swimming, etc.

* An obese person should avoid mental stress, any kind of fear or insecurity as such negativity are bad for our health. It is better to have a positive attitude towards life.

Always have positive attitude. Decide to reduce certain portion of your weight every week. Also make resolve to complete your duties on time. One more important thing is that never allow inferiority to take you in its grip.

How to reduce Obesity, Diet for Obesity

Never be under impression that only you have the problem of obesity and it cannot be controlled.

Positive attitude can surely help you reduce weight. Don’t be frustrated for not being able to abide by your resolve to do exercise regularly.

If due to certain reason, your weight has increased by 1-2 kg last week, don’t be disappointed and never give up. Make a resolve that how much you will reduce it the next week.

Never feel defeated. Change in your ideology and make strong resolution to reduce your weight.
Some people think that tension or stress makes a person lose
his weight. On the contrary, in stress, a person starts eating a lot which results into weight gain. On studying habits of an obese person, it is observed that a stressed or tense person feels loneliness in life. In this situation, he takes solace in over eating. He is not even aware of the fact that he is eating much more than his needs which is resulting in dangerous weight gain. One is required to shun this situation only then you can prevent weight gain.

This was about how to reduce obesity and diet for obesity.

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How to Prevent Obesity, Ways to prevent Obesity

What is Obesity, Symptoms of Obesity:

Even small kids are found to be becoming victim of the problems like heart diseases, blood pressure, breathlessness, restlessness, anxiety, etc. In fact wrong food habit born obesity is responsible for it. If parents are not conscious then the problem can strike their children from very early age.  In today’s time when from food to medicines, everything is adulterated, then parents are required to be careful with regard to food habits of their kids.

If parents are not careful of their kids’ life style, it is definite that by the time they will turn adolescent they will be in the grip of obesity. According to a research, most of the children who are in the grip of obesity are also under threat of heart diseases. This problem becomes apparent when they turn adolescent. The interests of today’s children have shifted from television to computer. 
Due to sitting for a long time in front of a computer system, proper exercise of their body does not happen. This life style shows that it is parents’ carelessness responsible for fatal obesity of the kids. If the parents encourage their kids for physical activities and also participate
in such things, their problem of obesity will automatically be solved. At home, the children should take carrot and radish in abundance. 

Low down the quantity of fried and spicy food in their meal. This way, the children will develop a habit of eating healthy stuffs. It is also important to change your mind - set.  Avoid giving fatty food to your children. Encourage your children for physical activities and walk, play games which involves a lot of physical works. Give them balanced and healthy or nutritious meal. If your children will eat healthy and nutritious food, and make them understand the importance of good health, you can protect them from the problem of obesity.

How to Prevent Obesity, Ways to prevent Obesity 

Ways to prevent obesity: Give stomach full meal to children in the morning , must include protein rich diet in the food, one glass milk, fruit juice, cheese or paneer, and if it is possible then also give them a little bit of porridge or corn flakes.

Sweet food stuffs like toffee, chocolates, cakes, pastries, cold drinks should be either replaced by healthy food or their quantity should be brought down.

How to Prevent Obesity

Give them sweet salads, fruits and vegetables to eat so that they develop a habit to eat these stuffs. 

When the children are eating, switch off your TV. Give them a habit to eat food with full concentration on Mother Annapurna. 

If the children want to eat sweets, then add fruits in custard and avoid giving them ice creams, sweets, chocolates, etc. Fruits are more healthy than Revari, Gazak, chocolates, etc. 

Encourage them to go out to play everyday. If there is no park or open play ground in the vicinity, then ask them to play or do exercises on the terrace of their house. If it is also not possible then take them for long walk. 

Your children learn a lot of things from your habits, therefore you should also bring positive changes in your life style. 

How to Prevent Obesity, Ways to prevent Obesity 

After meal or breakfast, walk for 1-2 minutes, never lay on bed immediately after taking meal. 

Eat on time and the quantity has to be a bit less than necessary for your appetite. 

Chew your food well before swallowing it. 

We should avoid western food habits as they have tradition to eat a lot of junk food. In the western countries, obesity is found to be more in their kids than the same in other parts of the world. 

Pollution is also responsible for obesity among kids. Previous studies tell that metabolism differ from person to person. 

A Spanish team had observed that pollution is responsible for accumulation of fats in the body. Therefore, prevent your children from exposure to pollution. 

Heart experts are of the view that the children whose weight is disproportionately more than their age have higher chances of heart problems than others. It has also been found that if weight gain in a child is not controlled at early age then by the time he will turn 65, he will be under serious threat of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc. 

Obesity in kids is born out of bad food habits. Weight gain is not controlled by exercise. Therefore it is necessary for their mothers to be careful about their food habits.

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Medicinal uses and method to use Giloy, How to use Giloy

Medicinal use and method to use Giloy

 • Uses of Giloy in Eye problems: 

Take 10 ml Giloy extract and 1-1 gm Saindhav salt and honey and mix it well in a pot and apply in the eyes. It will cure Timir, Pilla, piles, Kach, Kandu, Lingnash, black and white eye related diseases.  •Make tea of Giloy extract and Triphala by adding in it Pippali powder and honey. It will improve your eye sight. 

•  Use of Giloy in Tuberculosis: 

Ashwagandha, Giloy, Shatavar, Dashmool, Balamool, Adusa, Pohkarmool and Atis are to be taken in equal quantities and make their tea and take 20-30 ml of it in 
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the morning and evening. You should take milk in food. 


•  Use of Giloy in Vomiting: 

If you have vomiting problem due to wandering in severe heat, take 10-15 ml giloy extract and add 4-6 gm sugar candy and take it in the morning and in the evening. It will cure the problem.

•  Use of Giloy in Sangrahani: 

Take dry ginger, Motha, Atees and Giloy in equal quantity and make its tea in water. Take this tea in 20-30 ml in the morning and evening. It will cure lack of appetite, Aamdosh and Saam Sangrahani. 

• Uses of Giloy in Kaamla: 

Make 20-30 ml of Amrita tea, add two spoons of honey, administer it to the patient 3-4 times, it will be effective in jaundice. 
 Make paste of 10-20 leaves of giloy and extract its juice and add it in a glass full butter milk. If it is taken in the morning, it will be very effective.

• Uses of Giloy in Jaundice: 
Take punarnava, neem extract, patolpatra, sonth or dry ginger, Kutaki, Giloy, Daruhaldi, harad, each in 20 gm quantity and make its tea. If it is taken in the morning and evening, it will cure all sorts of swelling, stomach diseases, side swelling, breathing problem, anaemia, etc.

• Use of Giloy in In the problems 

like anaemia, jaundice, Halimak, take Giloy ras one liter, Kand Kalk 250 
gm, milk 4 litre, one kg ghee and boil them together on low flame. When the ghee is only one litre left, filter it. Take 10 gm of it added in 40 gm milk in the morning. 

• Use of Giloy in Liver problems and lack of appetite : 

Take 18 gm fresh Giloy, 2 gm Ajmod, 2 nug small pipple, 2 nug neem seenk and crush them together. In the night add 250 ml water and store it in earthen pot. In the morning make its paste and administer it to the patient. If this is taken for 15-30 days, all your stomach related problems will be cured. 

• Uses of Giloy in Prameh: 

Take Giloy, Khas, Pathani Lodhra, Anjan, Red Chandan, Nagarmotha, Amla, Harad, Parwal leaves, neem bark, etc in equal quantity and crush them together and make its powder. Take 10 gm of it with honey. If it is administered thrice a day, it will be effective in Pittaj Prameh.

• Uses of Giloy in Mutrakrichchha: 

In 10-20 mg extract of Guduchi, add 2 gm powder of Pashan Bhed, one spoon of honey and administer for 3-4 times to the patient. It will be highly effective. 

• Uses of Giloy in Arthritis: 

Take 2-5 gm giloy powder if given with milk 2-3 times a day will be very useful. • 5-10 ml giloy ras or 3-6 gm powder or 10-20 gm kalk or 2030 ml tea of it if given daily for some times, it is very effective in Vaatrakta and other diseases. 

• Uses of Giloy in Leprosy: 

If 10-20 ml Giloy ras or extract is given 2-3 times for a few months, it will be very effective in this disease.

Uses of Giloy in Chronic fever: 

 If the fever is 6-7 days old and the patient is not recovering , crush 40 gm Giloy well and keep it in earthen pot with 250 ml water over night. In the morning, squeeze it and filter it well. If 20 ml of it is given to the patient in the morning and two more times in the day, it will cure fever. 
Take 20 ml Giloy juice and add 1 gm pippali, 1 spoon pippali, one spoon honey and give it to the patient both in the morning and in the evening. It will cure  chronic fever, cough, cough, lack of appetite.
Vaat Jwar: Bilva, Arani, Gambhari, Sonapatha and Padhal roots and bark with Giloy, Amla, coriander, if taken in equal quantity, use them to make their tea, 20-30 ml of its tea should be given to the patient to cure Vaat Jwar. 
Vaataj: In curing fever, Guduchi extract is the best medicine. 
 In 20-30 ml Guduchi tea, add Pippali powder, small Kateri, dry ginger, Guduchi tea (20-3-) ml and give it to the patient. It will cure cough borne fever, cold, cough and pain, etc. 
If equal quantity of Guduchi, Neem, Amla are used to make tea and some honey is added into  it, this medicine is very effective  in curing  severe fever. 
Guduchi extract is highly effective  in malaria. 
If the patient has fever and 
cough, 20-30 ml guduchi tea is highly useful. 
In vaat fever, take  equal quantities of guduchi, yavasa, dry ginger and nagarmotha and use them  to make their tea. If 25-50 ml of it is administered to the patient, it is highly effective in vaat near. 
If 20-30 ml guduchi tea is cooled and some  honey is added  into it, it is effective  in fever borne vomiting. 
Fever patients should use its leaves as vegetables in food. 
Roast its leaves on amber and get its extract and in its 25 ml extract, add 125 mg Sajji chhar and give  it to the  patient. It will  be effective in fever, stomach related problems and cough related problems. 
Using  guduchi extract cures internal fever and fever related burning 
Blood cancer: After successful experiment on this, Swami ji himself said, “We have used wheat grass juice on many cancer patients wandering found it to be very effective. This experiment is still going on.”

Method To Use Giloy: 

Take giloy which has to be two foot long and as much thick as a finger, 10 gm green wheat leaves to be made paste with some water. Filter the paste well and take the preparation when you are empty stomach. Continue to take the medicines prescribed by the doctors along with this Ayurvedic medicines as it will help you to recover very soon.

Use of Giloy in Other diseases: 

If 10-20 ml giloy juice is taken with jaggary, it will be very effective in constipation. If it is taken with mishri or sugar candy it will be effective in pitta related problems. If it is taken with honey it will cure honey. Aamvaat is cured if taken with dry ginger. Heart pain is cured if it is taken pepper and water. They should be used according to disease for seven days regularly. This herb is counted among Amrit Rasayan due to its amazing health benefits. By planting this herb in our house, we should use it for health benefits.

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