
Difference between depression and sadness symptoms of depression

What is Depression:

Depression is a common mental problem which is also called unipolar disorder. In this problem, only depressional problems are caused. No symptom of hysteria is observed in this problem. This problem also sticks elderly persons and minors as well. DSM-V (2013) which is a famous manual on classification of mental diseases published by American Psychiatric Association, in which all the mental problems including depression (barring hysteria) have been described in axis - I.

In adolescent and young age, many cases related to this problem are seen. Many a times, simple depression becomes very serious and the patient develops a tendency to attempt suicide. 15 percent cases of death among depressed persons are caused due to suicide and it happens to be the world’s fourth most serious problem.
Though happiness and sorrow alternatively come in a person’s life. Sadness, disappointment and frustration often strike a person but situation changes in course of time
which leads to change in the state of mind. Our routine works, life style and internal relations too change.

Difference between depression and sadness: 

We should also understand the difference between depression and sadness. Sadness is a common phenomenon which comes in everyone’s life and a person normally comes out of this phase very soon and the life returns to track but state of sadness is long when a person is in depression. In this situation, how so good treatment the patient gets from others, the situation remains unchanged. He lacks interest in every thing. Everything appears to be depressing and murky, therefore, common sadness should not be considered as depression.

Depression is such a state of mind in which the patient feels sadness, disappointment, loneliness, decline in self-respect and he starts to stay alone, and becomes unsocial. He has symptoms like lack of appetite and sleep, which are common initial symptoms. Depression is often found to be accompanied by other deformities, sometimes, these symptoms are either caused or are result of depression. Deformities in thoughts, addiction of alcohol, etc can also cause depression. Many times, serious diseases like heart problems, cancer, AIDS etc also give birth to depression.

Some important symptoms  of depression: 

Low state of mind

Disturbance in sleep

Lack of concentration

Low energy level

Negativity of mind

Lack of enthusiasm

Inability to take right decisions

Troubled due to complexities of life

Inability to focus on any work

Irritable nature, short temper

Fatigue and lack of stamina

Lack of appetite

Feeling helpless

Feeling to kill self many times

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