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A dedicated website for health related information.

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A dedicated website for health related information.

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A dedicated website for health related information.


Ivy Gourd Health Benefits

According to science of Ayurveda, a medicine has to
induce a sense of confidence in a patient
that he will get rid of the disease. Actually the body is directly
connected to our body therefore a disease is born when there
is an imbalance in the nature around us. In such a condition,
a medicine has to be found out from the nature itself. On the
contrary, if we use unnatural chemicals as medicine, then it may
not show its adverse impact immediately but in long future, its
wrong impact is bound to appear.
For eternal wellness, it is necessary that medicines for physical
and mental diseases should be found from natural sources. Health 
benefits of Ivy Gourd-
In many Nighantus of Ayurveda, there is
description about ivy gourd. According to Kaidev
Nighantu, it cures Sadyah Pragya. It is also
called Kundaru. It is found in tropical region of
Africa, Asia, Malaya, Australia. It is also found
in Assam, Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal, Uttar
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Andhra
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states of India.
Due to its medicinal properties, it is useful in
headache, ear problems, breathing problems,
stomach problems, diabetes, Pradah, Gonorrhea,
arthritis etc.
Medical Properties of Ivy Gourd-
Methods to use it as medicines:
Head related problems:-
1. Headache:-
Make paste of its roots and
apply on your head. Headache will be cured.
Ear problems:
1. Ear pain:-
Take extract of the plant and
add some mustard oil in it. Pour 1-2 drops
of the liquid in the ear. It will cure ear pain.
Mouth diseases:
1. Tongue sore:-
Sucking green fruits of the
plant will cure the problem.
Chest problem:
1. Inflammation in respiratory system:
Make tea of the plant's leaves and trunk.
Drinking this tea will cure the problem. It
will also cure related problems.
Stomach diseases:
1. Worms:
Boil ghee with ivy gourd kalka
and take its 5 gm as it will kill all worms in
the intestines.
Kidney problems:
1. Diabetes:
Take 5 mal ivy gourd leave and
root extract, everyday. It will be very useful
in the problem.
2. Inflammation:
Take 5 ml extract of bark
of the plant's roots everyday in the morning.
It will be very useful in the problem.
Problems of genital parts:
1. Gonorrhea: Administer 5 ml extract of
the plant's leaves. It will be very useful in
this problem.
1. Aamvaat:
Make paste of its roots and apply
on the affected parts. It will be very useful
in the problem.
These are the Ivy Gourd Benefits.

Dabur Promise Anti-Cavity Toothpaste

Chemical composition:
Its fruit contains B-cytosterol,
terexarol, B-carotine, kerotinoids,
lycopine, B-amairine, lyupiol,
kukurbitesin B-glucoside, starch,
sugar, organic acid, fats, cafic
acid, campherol, etc. Its seeds
contain pomitic, olic, lynolic acid
etc. Its plant's parts cyphelendrol,
alcohol, tri-aconten, B-cytosterol, heptacosen.

Good and Bad combination of Food Stuffs

Health of every member of a family largely depends upon the female members. Kitchen is the biggest dispensary in every household. Functioning of metabolic system depends upon the good and bad combination of food stuffs. Therefore it is necessary to know about it:
Good combination of food stuffs:
1.  Mango and dates with milk 
2.  Sugar water with muskmelon
3.  small cardamom after eating banana
4.  Coconut with rice
5.  Radish with their leaves
6.  Methi Saag with carrot
7.  Tamarind with Gud
8.  Maze with Mattha
9.  Guava with Saunf
10.  Anar after taking meal
11.  Curd with Mung Yush,  ghee,  sugar,  honey,  Amla powder
Bad food combination:
1.  Milk and-  salt and Gud made products.  honey,  banana,  Indian plump,  lemon,
acidic fruit,  tamarind,  Moth,  Sem,  Urad,  Kathal,  Sahjan,  coconut green vegetables,  radish,  etc
2.  Fruits which should not be taken in the morning-  Banana, Jamun,  Gular, ginger,coconut extracts etc.
3.  Never take Ghee and honey in equal quantity
4.  Never take curd with following stuffs-  Milk,  Kheer,  Cottage cheese,  banana,  radish,  muskmelon,  Bel etc
5.  Never take following stuffs after meal-  Banana,  Kakdi,  Kamal Naal,  Miss, Shalook,  Potato,  Arvi,  Kachaloo,  stuffs made of sugar cane.
6.  Never take following stuffs after sunset-  Radish,  Kheera,  curd,  etc.
7.  Never take radish,  butter and Gud together.
8.  Curd and radish with Urad
9.  Kheer with Khichadi and Sattu
10.  Vinegar with Rice
11.  Pudi with Kanji
12.  Poi cooked in mustard oil
13.  curd in winter,  summer and spring
14.  Avoid bathing immediately after exposure in sunlight
15.  Avoid taking meal when you are immensely tired
16.  When a person is troubled due to excess of hot ambience,  don't give him milk to drink.
17.  when you are tired due speaking a lot,  avoid taking meal
Bad combination of meal may cause the problems like impotency,  deafness,  hysteria,  piles,  skin diseases,  fever,  acidity etc. So avoid bad combination of food as it results badly.
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see- Ayurvedic treatment of Swine Flu

Curd, Yogurt Uses and Benefits

  Curd has become an essential ingredient in most of the people's meal. For good health every human being shall have  knowledge that what to eat , when to eat and how to eat. Here is described the curd uses. The three pillars of being healthy which are discussed in ayurveda , are -                                    
 1) Diet   2) Sleep 3) Celibacy
 First of all we shall know in what circumstances, we should not eat Curd.                                        we should not eat curd in night means we should not take it in dinner, its not good for health at that time. Even in day time , we should not eat curd regularly, but in the interval of one or two days. We should aware about the curd uses to avail the benefits of curd. 
One should take curd in calculated amount as it takes time to digest. Curd , which has become warm due to any circumstances shall not be used but avoided. Now we should talk about the quality of curd. fresh curd is tasteful and it turns sour, when it is kept for longer period. it is more used in summer season so people have impression that it is cold in nature but in actual it is hot in nature and also it generates heat.
Now the natural question is then why it is used in summer season? And to know the answer we shall first know the qualities of curd , curd has water content which is called whay. This water is very easy to digest and quest thirst and remove tiredness of the body. It improves the physical capacity and generates the interest in meals, these are the benefits of curd. 
Curd is very beneficial in complaint of old cough, loose motions, problem in passing urine. Curd uses to add weight to human being so lean person with good digestion capacity would gain health after use of curd, but people who are already fat shall remain away from curd. Curd is also beneficial for heart, it maintain the heart's health.
sexual benefits of YOGURT, CURD 
The upper layer of curd , which is creamy is hard to digest but increase sperms in males. This type of curd is also called creamy curd.                                                                                                     Yogurt prepare of well boiled milk has many qualities, it increase the physical strength and have more digestive capacity. It has proved that eating yogurt is beneficial for the sexual life, it increase sperms as well as give strength to body.
Benefits of yogurt also depend upon season, in winter , autumn and in rainy season, taking yogurt is beneficial but in rest of the season , its excess use is harmful. It is beneficial as diet but as medicine also.
When excess use of lime in betel leaf burns tongue, do gargle of curd, mixed with water, which gives immediate relief.  
Those who want to take  YOGURT BENEFITS, should always use fresh one.
see the healthy benefits of ivy gourd.

Amoebic Dysentery Causes, Symptoms and Ayurvedic treatment

Amoebic Dysentery is an infection caused by an organism. This organism is only a second factor in the causation of this disease.
Causes and Symptoms-
Irregularity of diet, intake of heavy indigestible food and emotional factor like worry, anxiety and anger etc., are mainly responsible for thew emergence of this disease. In Ayurveda Amoebic Dysentery is described as pravahika. There is lose of appetite and the patient becomes excessively weak. In chronic Amoebic Dysentery, the liver is effected seriously and the patient loses a considerable amount of weight, because this disease is characterised by the passage of mucus along with the stool which occurs frequently.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Amoebic Dysentery-
For the treatment of this disease KUTAJA is the best drug. The bark of this plant in powder form is given to the patient in a dose of one teaspoonful, three times a day. It also may be given in the form of decoction. To make this, 30 gms. of the powder of this drug is boild with two cups of water till it reduce to one-fourth.
After filtration the decoction should be given twice daily. Some Honey may be added while given it to the patient, because this decoction becomes bitter and the patient cannot swollow it easily. He/she  may spit it out. But it is much beneficial.
After taking this drug the patient will have frequent motions but the stools containing mucus will be of small quantity. He may even feel constipated. Constipation is extremely bad for these patients. Therefore , for this as a routine, the patient should be given two to three teaspoonfuls of the powdered ISABAGOL at bedtime with milk.

In chronic dysentery RASAPARPATI is used. It is a preparation of mercury and sulphur, and is given to the patients in a dose of 125 gms. thrice a day. During this treatment the diet should be limited to boiled rice cooked in milk mix with a little sugar.
 A complete bed rest  is advised to the patient. He should not take the bath also during the actue stage of this disease. Salt and water should be strictly prohibited.
Curd mix with rice with a little dose of opium can be given to the patient.
see- Benefits of Curd
A mixture of boiled moong-dal with rice is also a good diet in this disease.
                                                               Moong-dal with rice
 Soup of tomatoes is also advised for the patient. Substances having sour taste like lemon, pomegranate, banana are useful.
The patient of this disease should never be given fried substances chillies or other alike things.
If this disease cannot be controlled within a weak then a good Vaidya (Doctor) be consulted.
For children banana with a very little opium may be given once a day.
see- Dengue fever symptoms and treatment
Also read- Good and Bad combination of food stuf