
Curd, Yogurt Uses and Benefits

  Curd has become an essential ingredient in most of the people's meal. For good health every human being shall have  knowledge that what to eat , when to eat and how to eat. Here is described the curd uses. The three pillars of being healthy which are discussed in ayurveda , are -                                    
 1) Diet   2) Sleep 3) Celibacy
 First of all we shall know in what circumstances, we should not eat Curd.                                        we should not eat curd in night means we should not take it in dinner, its not good for health at that time. Even in day time , we should not eat curd regularly, but in the interval of one or two days. We should aware about the curd uses to avail the benefits of curd. 
One should take curd in calculated amount as it takes time to digest. Curd , which has become warm due to any circumstances shall not be used but avoided. Now we should talk about the quality of curd. fresh curd is tasteful and it turns sour, when it is kept for longer period. it is more used in summer season so people have impression that it is cold in nature but in actual it is hot in nature and also it generates heat.
Now the natural question is then why it is used in summer season? And to know the answer we shall first know the qualities of curd , curd has water content which is called whay. This water is very easy to digest and quest thirst and remove tiredness of the body. It improves the physical capacity and generates the interest in meals, these are the benefits of curd. 
Curd is very beneficial in complaint of old cough, loose motions, problem in passing urine. Curd uses to add weight to human being so lean person with good digestion capacity would gain health after use of curd, but people who are already fat shall remain away from curd. Curd is also beneficial for heart, it maintain the heart's health.
sexual benefits of YOGURT, CURD 
The upper layer of curd , which is creamy is hard to digest but increase sperms in males. This type of curd is also called creamy curd.                                                                                                     Yogurt prepare of well boiled milk has many qualities, it increase the physical strength and have more digestive capacity. It has proved that eating yogurt is beneficial for the sexual life, it increase sperms as well as give strength to body.
Benefits of yogurt also depend upon season, in winter , autumn and in rainy season, taking yogurt is beneficial but in rest of the season , its excess use is harmful. It is beneficial as diet but as medicine also.
When excess use of lime in betel leaf burns tongue, do gargle of curd, mixed with water, which gives immediate relief.  
Those who want to take  YOGURT BENEFITS, should always use fresh one.
see the healthy benefits of ivy gourd.